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The Blood in Regeneration

blood particle

Generation is always associated with the shedding of blood, regeneration with the transmutation of blood. All the world is enmeshed in the former, but few as yet have any concept of the latter, although it is the central mystery of the secret teaching given by the Master to his disciples at the Last Supper. He said, “This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

The blood is essentially a fire element and, as we have seen, it comes under the influence of Mars and the Sun – Mars representing the lower desire nature, and the Sun, the Spirit. The more spiritual a person becomes, the more etherealised is the blood. Material or negative thinking, heavy foods, alcohol, and indulgence of the sense life lower the vibratory rate of the body and liquefy the blood.

Medical science is just entering upon important discoveries in connection with blood crystals. The higher the individualisation of a person, the more distinct are the patterns of his blood crystals. The time will come when not only secrets of heredity or concealed tendencies will be discoverable in the blood, but also lines of progression extending from past lives. Medical science will yet come to understand the occult verity that the blood is the seat or home of the Ego. Paracelsus declares that “The mere looking at externals is a matter for clowns, but the intuition of internal is the secret which belongs to physicians.”

The red of Mars is slow to be changed into the golden transparency of the Sun. To lift and transmute the power of Mars is the work of our present evolution. Difficult indeed is the path and arduous the labour. “The path is so narrow”, writes Esdras, “that leads unto this blessed place (transmutation) that, but one man can walk on the same; on one side is Fire and on the other is Water.”

Only by high thinking and pure living may an aspirant to the holy Mysteries come to understand the process of changing blood heat into blood light. This the Christ taught Peter, James and John on the Day of Transfiguration. It was also part of the initiatory process by which Elijah was translated into heaven in a chariot of fire and light.

Blood may be divided into three parts; serum, comes under the Astrological signature of Cancer; red matter, Scorpio; and filbrin, Pisces. This makes clear the meaning of Boehme’s statement that, “there would be no blood if the Tincture of Fire and Light were not in Water” for it is the fiery Hierarchs of Mars and the Sun, operating in the field of Water Hierarchs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces which create the mysterious substance we know as blood.

Blood is the most powerful agent involved in the intricate process of bodily regeneration. Here, as in all other departments of spiritual work, regeneration is concerned with the proper blending of Fire and Water. Oxygen, a solar element, is a constructive fire force. Alcohol is also a fire product but belongs to the destructive fire forces. The effects of alcohol on the blood are serious and far-reaching, for it not only precipitates impurities and weaknesses here and now, but its malefic influence extends into future embodiments. The “taint of alcohol” sets a mark upon egoic powers that will require long ages for its full eradication. The wave of alcoholism sweeping the world today tends to generate a materialism so dense that the words of John will be fulfilled; “and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not.”

Oxygen, the constructive fire element, is of first importance in sustaining life. Man could not live many minutes without it. As oxygen is the prime element in our present Earth Period, so blood is the special vantage ground of the spirit at this stage. When the blood has been transmuted into golden light essence, oxygen will be superseded by another and more rarefied Sun element. Blood that is saturated with alcohol is not susceptible to this spiritual alchemy, nor will the unregenerated be able to breathe in the new element. As a consequence, destruction will again overtake many Earth dwellers even as it did in the days of Noah – though not through a deluge, but from the new element that is even now descending upon Earth and infiltering the air with its fiery substance.

The most profound and important event in the entire world’s history was the flowing of blood on Calvary. In preparation for this supreme event the Master taught the Twelve that, “This cup is the New Testament in my blood”. Man can comprehend this ‘New Testament’ only when he enters upon regenerated life. 

The beginnings of this sublime transmutation were effected by the Master when He shone as the Sun on the Mount of Transfiguration. The process involved in this transmutation were taught by Him to His most advanced Disciples, Peter, James, and John, during the agony in the Garden. The drops of sweat and the flowing of blood refer to the before-mentioned blending of the inner essences of Fire and Water, a process consummated on Golgotha. With the flowing of blood on Calvary a tremendous spiritual power passed into the centre of the Earth. This power has been operating ever since to further forces working for the establishment of a new and regenerated order.

Flowing of blood tends to cleanse an Ego from the taint of egotism which has been engendered throughout long ages of material existence in which man has come to feel himself as separate from the rest of the universe. Christ came that egotism might be changed into altruism and the sense of separateness be replaced by a spirit of universality. Such are the effects flowing from the sacrificial blood shed on Calvary. The ultimate fruitage of that sacrifice will be the fulfilment of the prophetic vision that beheld the time when men would “beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks.”

It is in commemoration of this little understood mission of Christ that the early Church established the Feast of the Precious Blood, a mystery which was known for millennia before Christ, but which had to await His coming for its fulfilment. It is significant that this feast occurs in July when the Sun is in Cancer, the home of the Cherubim, guardians of the sacred life essence. The Archangels, of whom Christ is chief occupy the opposite sign of Capricorn. Assisted by Angels, they guide man in the use of this holy life force. It will be remembered that it was the Cherubim who expelled man from the Edenic state because of his misuse of the divine creative substance.

“Many talk of the Lion, few know it.” The waters of Eternal Life flow from the wounds of the Lion of Judah. Blending of the White and the Red was demonstrated on Calvary and in the Garden of Gethsemane where Christ first shed His sacred blood in His divine agony. The soul of the world is red through generation. It must be made White through regeneration. The Christ came to earth to inaugurate this glorious work. The elect, those who make themselves worthy, follow in Hs steps. Few realise the magic power stored in blood that is pure, and what marvels can be accomplished thereby. In only one way can the purity leading to that power be attained and that is by “living the life.”

Paracelsus gave the following instructions to his disciples; “Take blood shut up in the pelican (self-sacrifice) until the third part of the pelican is filled (three preliminary steps). Then shut in the retort and seal hermetically (inner work connected with the magic of transmutation). In this way you will arrive at the mystery of blood as we have taught in the book Concerning Preparation.”



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